Recognizing that his organization is having growing pains, Mr. Biggs, B2E’s CEO, takes a management leadership course in order to gain knowledge he feels he needs to help him inspire and motivate his employees. As a result, when Terry Tate the Web Designer requests permission to attend a Best Web Marketing Practices seminar the following month Mr. Biggs approves it. Following the event, she tells Mr. Biggs and Donna Value- the Administrative Director- about it.
She says she has learned from the seminar that web users are much more discerning and sophisticated now. She says the conference presenters stressed that customers these days are looking for an organization they can trust, that will protect their personal information. In addition, she has also learned about laws recently passed to protect the Internet consumer, such as Internet Spyware Prevention Act (I-SPY).
After Terry leaves, Mr. Biggs tells Donna that since he attended the Corporate Leadership seminar he’s come to recognize the importance of personnel development. He used to think that it was just throwing away money. Now however, he knows that even though the company may not benefit directly from these personal mastery trainings, he believes the company will benefit in some way from the commonly shared knowledge.
Wally comes to Mr. Biggs to pitch his idea about using spyware as an information-gathering tool with their customers. Mr. Biggs listens, but says he’ll think about it.
Later, he reflects to Mora that a few months ago he would have embraced this marketing strategy. But since conferring with his industry peers at the Leadership seminar, he realizes that our B2E’s marketing vision is being hampered by scotomas. He says B2E’s marketing focus has been too short-term, and his vision of personnel management has been too narrow. He wants B2E to be an ethical leader in its field in e-commerce, not just a marketing leader at any cost. He knows that B2E has to step outside the box of TV and radio marketing.
He thinks that protecting customers’ privacy is not just the right thing to do, but a great marketing strategy too. Somehow he wants to find a way of changing the entire organization’s mental model on this subject.
In order to create a shared vision of B2E’s operating procedure, what should he say? What should he do? How could he be most effective?